From– SYRCL (South Yuba River Citizens League) takes a diverse approach to protecting and restoring the Yuba River watershed; we engage in education, outreach, monitoring, and restoration efforts, as well as utilizing policy and advocacy strategies.  From an advocacy perspective, our goal is to be “at the ready” for threats that arise in our watershed that need us to be the voice for the environment.  Over the years, those issues have varied greatly from advocating to keep our local State Parks open when threatened with closure to litigation—a tool we rarely implement but are willing to do so when no other option is left. Currently, we are focusing our advocacy efforts on watchdogging and stopping the proposed Centennial Dam on the Bear River. We are working within County and State government systems to further our Growing Green for the Yuba campaign, advocating for watershed-friendly cannabis cultivation.  We are supportive partners opposed to the proposed reopening of the Idaho-Maryland mine in Grass Valley, too.  And, just last month, a lawsuit we filed against FERC with partners California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, Friends of the River, and the Sierra Club over Clean Water Act waivers was decided in our favor. (more)