Permit Application Submittal Information
Application submittals must include one (1) hardcopy, plus a disk containing digital copies, of all required information and any other environmental documents that are pertinent to the proposed project. All applications are subject to fees that must be included with the application submittal. (Click Here for Fee Information)
*Note: If any of these items listed above are not included in an application submittal, the application will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed until all required documents are received.*
The application must be made on forms provided by CVFPB (you can find Forms 3615 and 3615a here) and must contain the following information:
- A concise and accurate description of the proposed project, being sure to include all items that are to be authorized under the issued permit.
- Project location: please provide as much information as you can and include the address, county, section, township, range, latitude and longitude, stream impacted (include river mile), levee mile, designated floodway, and the assessor’s parcel number (APN number) where the project will be located.
- The name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the applicant or land owner who is requesting the permit.
- The name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the applicant’s representative if applicable.
- A signed endorsement of the proposed project from the local maintaining agency (LMA). The LMA may be a reclamation district, a levee district, a State maintenance area, a county, or some other agency that is responsible for levee or channel maintenance. Special conditions may be added to the permit at the request of the agency. If the maintaining agency delays or declines to endorse the application, it may be submitted to the CVFPB without endorsement with a written explanation as to why the application was not endorsed by the maintaining agency.
- A list of all property owners, with mailing address, that share a common boundary with the parcel where the proposed project will be constructed.
- If an environmental determination has been made for the proposed work, include the name and address of the Lead Agency responsible for preparing environmental documentation of the project as required by the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. The environmental questionnaire (Form 3615a) must be completed and submitted as part of your application.
- Note when the proposed project is tentatively scheduled for construction and if there are any funding constraints. Keep in mind that the review and permitting process can take six months or more to complete.
- Include all exhibits pertinent to your proposed project. In general, application submittals should include at a minimum all of the items listed on the 3615 and 3615a forms. In addition, any drilling into a project levee will require a Drilling Program Plan in compliance with Corps regulations (ER 1110-1-1807).
In addition to the five (5) exhibits listed on the 3615 form, you should also include any additional information that would be pertinent to the review of your proposed project or its use. The application must be signed and dated by the applicant.
Your completed application may be mailed to:
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Attention: Permitting Section
3310 El Camino Avenue, Suite 170
Sacramento, California 95821
Minimum Requirements and Format for Drawings
- The following information is required for CVFPB staff to evaluate the work described in your application. Additional information may be required depending upon the nature of the project.
- A title block on each sheet identifying the proposed activity, including the name of the applicant, number of the sheet, total number of sheets in the set, and date the drawing was prepared.
- The name of the stream, river mile, scale, north arrow, vertical datum reference, and other information as required
- The exact location of the proposed project in relation to identifiable landmarks.
- Plan elevation views of the proposed project or use showing the proximity of the proposed project or use in relation to existing facilities, property lines, levees, streams, etc.
- Drawings of levee cross sections or profiles indicating the elevations of levee crowns, toes, low-water surface, and design flood plain. These drawings should include horizontal and vertical scales and must be referenced to a known vertical datum.
- Please use the following format:
- Prepare the drawings on 11-by-17-inch sheets when possible.
- Allow a 1-inch binding margin on the top side of each sheet.
- Electronic information can be in PDF, JPEG, or other similar format.