Central Valley Flood Protection Plan

The Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) is California’s strategic blueprint to improve flood risk management in the Central Valley.  Prepared by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) in accordance with the Central Valley Flood Protection Act of 2008 (Act) and adopted by the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB) in June 2012, the CVFPP guides the State’s participation in managing flood risk in areas protected by the State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC). The CVFPP is updated every 5 years in accordance with the Act. The plan lays out strategies to:

  • Prioritize the State’s investment in flood management over a 30-year planning horizon
  • Promote multi-benefit projects
  • Integrate and improve ecosystem functions associated with flood-risk-reduction projects.

Although flood management has improved considerably in the Central Valley since the passage of State bonds in 2007 and the Act in 2008, this vast region still faces significant flood risk particularly with the urgent threat of climate change. Approximately 1.3 million Californians live and work in the valley’s floodplains, which contain approximately $223 billion worth of structures and their contentsAll of California and the nation could experience a devastating societal and financial impact from a major flood in the Central Valley. Without sufficient and sustained investment in Central Valley flood management, the risk to life and property will increase.

Each five-year cycle of the CVFPP includes an update of the following supporting documents: the State Plan of the Flood Control Descriptive Document Update, Flood System Status Report, Conservation Strategy, and the CEQA analysis.

CVFPP Implementation

Sacramento San Joaquin Drainage District Assessment District Feasibility Study  – Report of Findings

The 2017 CVFPP Update Investment Strategy identified three new potential funding mechanisms, including reutilizing authority existing in the California Water Code that has not been used since the 1930s that allows the Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District (SSJDD) to charge assessments to fund the local cost share of capital improvements and operation and maintenance (O&M) activities.

The Flood Board initiated the SSJDD Assessment District Feasibility Study (Study) in December 2019. The Study resulted in a Report of Findings (ROF). The purpose of the Study was refined to address the following objectives:

  • Evaluate the feasibility of an SSJDD Assessment District to provide local funding for system-wide improvements and O&M of associated flood control structures and levees within the State Plan of Flood Control;
  • Identify legislative changes required to implement an SSJDD Assessment District;
  • Perform beneficiary analyses to establish a reasonable formula to apportion the assessment across benefiting properties;
  • Provide recommendations for the formation and operation/administration of an SSJDD Assessment District; and
  • Prepare an implementation plan for establishing an SSJDD Assessment District.

On April 19, 2024, the Flood Board released the Public Draft ROF for a 2-week public review period. No public comments were received. The Final Report of Findings is linked below.

The following documents are available for viewing and download:

2022 CVFPP Update

The 2022 CVFPP Update evaluates progress made since passage of major State bonds in 2007 and recommends future management actions led by State, federal, and local partners to continue implementation of the CVFPP. The 2022 CVFPP Update focuses on three key themes:

  • Climate Resilience
  • Performance Tracking
  • Alignment with Other State Efforts

The 2022 CVFPP Update continues to build on the significant amount of work completed over the past 15 years to better understand and develop priorities to improve flood risk management in the Central Valley. Using new information, updated science, and innovative tools, irecommends priority actions to address flood risk in the face of climate change. Development of the 2022 CVFPP Update was informed by a robust, multi-year communications and engagement process that involved frequent discussions with State, federal, Tribal, and local partners.

Upon request, State staff will work to provide language accommodations for those whose primary language is not English (such as providing information, answering questions, and receiving comments in other languages). To discuss your language access needs, please contact cvfmp@water.ca.gov

Supporting Documents

The 2022 CVFPP Update is accompanied by the following documents: 2022 State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) Descriptive Document Update, 2022 Flood System Status Report (FSSR) Update, and a CEQA Addendum to the 2012 Programmatic Environmental Impact Report. These documents are required by the Central Valley Flood Protection Act of 2008 (Act)Additionally, the 2022 CVFPP Conservation Strategy Update supports development of the 2022 CVFPP Update but remains a separate companion document for more detailed information and analyses of ecosystem and multibenefit potentialTogether, these documents and others support development of the 2022 CVFPP Update and fulfill the legal requirements of the Act

2022 CVFPP Conservation Strategy Update

2022 CVFPP Update CEQA Addendum

2022 State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document Update

2022 Flood System Status Report Update

CVFPP Technical Analyses

Additional In-progress Documents

CVFPB Public Hearings

Public outreach hearings were held throughout the Central Valley in May 2022 to provide an opportunity for DWR to present the content of the 2022 CVFPP Update, and for the public to provide comments on the Plan and supporting documents.

The public hearings schedule and venues:

2017 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Update

The Central Valley Flood Protection Board, after public hearings and review, adopted the 2017 CVFPP Update on August 25, 2017. The CVFPP provides a comprehensive framework for system-wide management and flood risk reduction planning for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins. This first update to the CVFPP refines the overall near-term and long-term investment needs established in the CVFPP, and includes recommendations on policies and financing that aim to support comprehensive flood risk management actions locally, regionally, and system-wide.

Implementation of the 2017 CVFPP Update

Yolo Bypass Cache Slough Partnership

Board Committees

The Board has established the following committees to help implement the recommendations in the 2017 CVFPP Update.

  • Coordinating Committee
    • Coordinating Committee Charter – Adopted 10/13/2017
  • Advisory Committee 
    • Advisory Committee Charter – Adopted 10/13/2017
  • Local Funding Committee

2017 CVFPP Update

The Board adopted 2017 CVFPP Update at its August 25, 2017 Board Meeting. The 2017 CVFPP Update can be viewed at the link below.

2017 CVFPP Update Adoption Package

The Board adopted the following documents as the 2017 CVFPP Update.

  • 2017 CVFPP Update, as amended on August 11, 2017
    • Appendix A – Board Resolution of Adoption 2017-10
    • Appendix B – Legislative Reference and Reader’s Guide (included in the 2017 CVFPP Update)
  • 2017 State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document Update (in conjunction with the 2010 State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive document)
  • 2017 Flood System Status Report
    • 2016 Conservation Strategy and Appendices
      • 2016 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Conservation Strategy
      • Appendix A – Regulatory Setting
      • Appendix B – Advance Mitigation
      • Appendix C – Description of Construction Activities for Structural Modifications
      • Appendix D – Vegetation Management Strategy (amended August 2017)
      • Appendix E – Invasive Plant Management Plan
      • Appendix F – Existing Conditions
      • Appendix G – Identification of Target Species and Focused Conservation Plans
      • Appendix H – Central Valley Chinook Salmon Rearing Habitat Required to Satisfy the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program Doubling Goal
      • Appendix I – Floodplain Restoration Opportunity Analysis
      • Appendix J – Existing Conservation Objectives from Other Plans
      • Appendix K – Synthesis of Fish Migration Improvement Opportunities in the Central Valley Flood System
      • Appendix L – Measurable Objectives Development: Summary of Conservation Needs and Scale of Restoration Opportunities
      • Conservation Strategy Errata List

On August 4th, DWR certified the Final Supplemental Program Environmental Impact Report on the 2017 CVFPP Update

The Final Supplemental PEIR, the Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program can be viewed at the links below.

2017 CVFPP Update Supporting Documents

  • Draft Climate Change Analysis Technical Memorandum
  • Draft Central Valley Flood Protection Investment Strategy Technical Memorandum        (August 2017)
    • Draft Technical Memorandum Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Investment Strategy – Appendixes
  • Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Investment Strategy Highlights
  • Public Comment Log
  • Engagement Record
  • Contributing Authors and Workgroup Members List
  • Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Investment Strategy Technical Memorandum (March 2017)
  • Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Investment Strategy Appendices
  • 2017 CVFPP Update – Scenario Technical Analyses Summary Report
  • Flood System Long-Term Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, and Rehabilitation (OMRR&R) Cost Evaluation Technical Memorandum
  • 2016 Draft Conservation Strategy (November)
  • Conservation Strategy Advisory Committee Recommendations to the Board
  • San Joaquin River Basin-wide Feasibility Study
  • Sacramento Basin-wide Feasibility Study
  • Regional Flood Management Planning
  • Flood System Status Report Update
  • State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document
  • Legislative Reference (apart of the Draft 2017 CVFPP Update document)

2017 CVFPP Update  and Public Review Process

Public Workshops

The Board hosted 8 public workshops in Sacramento and West Sacramento from April through August 2017. These workshops provided the Board an opportunity to discuss the 2017 CVFPP Update, associated documents, public comments, and any potential revisions proposed to the 2017 CVFPP Update. Any proposed revisions to the Plan, as well as responses to public and stakeholder comments were posted to the Board’s website for public review. Documents presented and discussed at the workshops can be viewed at the following links:

  • August 11, 2017 Workshop
    • August 11, 2017 – The Board considered proposed revisions to the 2017 CVFPP Update at the Augsut 11 workshop, as well as the Draft Board Resolution for the Adoption of the 2017 CVFPP Update and associated documents. DWR also proposed edits to Appendix D “Vegetation Management Strategy” of the Conservation Strategy. These minor edits are intended to resolve editorial inconsistencies between the 2017 CVFPP Update, the Conservation Strategy, and Appendix D. In addition, several edits were made to address stakeholder comments. These revisions are presented in track changes and can be viewed at the link below.
      • Draft Resolution of Adoption for the 2017 CVFPP Update – The Board shall consider publishing this draft Resolution of Adoption as part of the adoption package for the 2017 CVFPP Update.
      • Draft Appendix D of the Conservation Strategy
  • July 28, 2017 Workshop
    • July 28, 2017 – At the July 28, 2017 workshop, the Board considered the track change version of the Draft 2017 CVFPP Update as well as the Draft Board Resolution of Adoption (link above) for the 2017 CVFPP Update.
      • Draft 2017 CVFPP Update Track Changes
  • July 14, 2017 Workshop
    • July 14, 2017 – Topics discussed at the July 14th Board workshop included climate change, policy recommendations, and the no-action context.  DWR’s initial recommended responses to public comments on these topics can be viewed at the link below.
      • Draft Comment Responses for the July 14th Workshop
  • June23, 2017 Workshop
    • June 23, 2017 – The June 23rd Board workshop addressed public comments received on the 2017 CVFPP Update, specifically topics related to the levee vegetation management strategy and land use/floodplain management. The draft comment response document summarizes the comments received and DWR’s initial recommended responses.
      • Draft Comment Responses for the June 23rd Workshop
  • June 9, 2017 Workshop
    • June 9, 2017 – An updated comment response log was drafted regarding State Plan of Flood Control Facilities Removal. This is reflected on pages 16 and 17 of an updated comment response log that was presented at the Board’s June 9 workshop.
      • Updated Comment Responses
  • May 19, 2017 Workshop
    • May 19, 2017 – A summary of the major public comment themes and proposed draft responses was presented to the Board.
      • Updated CVFPP Major Comment Summary
  • April 28, 2017 Workshop
    • April 28, 2017 – Board staff presented  Conservation Strategy Advisory Committee Recommendations to the Board.
  • April 7, 2017 Workshop
    • April 7, 2017 – Board and DWR staff presented an overview of the comments received on the 2017 CVFPP Update to the Board, and proposed future workshop topics and agendas.


2012 Adopted CVFPP and Supporting Documents

The historic Central Valley Flood Protection Plan was adopted by the Board on June 29, 2012. For all supporting documents listed below, please email: Questions@cvflood.ca.gov

  • 2012 CVFPP
  • CVFPB Adoption Resolution 2012-25
  • Flood Control System Status Report
  • State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document
  • Legislative Reference

2012 Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), DWR, acting as the lead agency, certified the 2012 CVFPP Consolidated Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR, SCH No.: 2010102044) on June 29, 2012. DWR filed a Notice of Determination with the State Clearinghouse on July 2, 2012. The PEIR evaluated potential impacts on the physical environment associated with a broad range of flood protection activities throughout the Central Valley that were included in the CVFPP, which was adopted by the CVFPB in June, 2012.


Please feel free to contact CVFPB staff if you have questions related to the CVFPP.

Ruth Darling, Program Manager II

Manager, Flood Planning and Programs Branch

(916) 224-4943
