Lake Oroville Update – June 21, 2024

From the Department of Water Resources

With warm temperatures here to stay in Northern California, runoff into Lake Oroville from snowmelt has significantly dwindled with outflows currently exceeding inflows. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) continues to meet water delivery and environmental requirements while optimizing water storage to allow for carryover storage into next year. Releases from Oroville Dam’s main spillway ceased in May with water being routed through the Hyatt Powerplant for power generation. When the main spillway is not in use, water may still be seen on the main spillway outlet as the seals on the eight radial gates are not designed to be watertight. The gate seals do not play a role in the structural integrity of the gates, which continue to operate as intended. Visitors to Oroville Dam may also notice minor amounts of water flowing from drains built into the emergency spillway. This is normal and expected given the emergency spillway design. The dam and emergency spillway continue to operate as intended. (more)

Floodplain Restoration and Recharge Pilot Studies – Evaluating the multiple benefits of increasing floodplain inundation.

From CA Dept. of Water Resources/Flood-MAR – Recent cycles of extreme drought and flood, and the passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)  provide an enhanced opportunity to strengthen the nexus between flood and groundwater management. The need for using floodwaters for managed aquifer recharge, also known as  Flood-MAR , is urgent and must be considered as a crucial part of California’s portfolio of sustainable and resilient water resource management strategies. This approach can be utilized on floodplains and flood bypasses to reduce flood risk and increase groundwater recharge potential, as well as provide ecosystem benefits through restored and reconnected floodplains. (more)

FRIDAY: Monthly Meeting of the Central Valley Flood Protection Board. Virtual Meeting Begins at 9 a.m.

Agenda items include 2022 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Update, consideration of adoption of resolutions regarding regulations and rulemaking, Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District Assessment District Feasibility Study, Sacramento River Basin, West Sacramento Project – Yolo Bypass East Levee, and Lower Elkhorn Basin Levee Setback Project. There will also be a Board President ceremonial retirement agenda item. Click here for full agenda and remote access instructions.

California Water Commission Releases White Paper on Financing Conveyance Projects

From the California Water Commission – The California Water Commission has released a white paper on the State’s role in financing water conveyance projects to meet climate change needs. It includes the potential public benefits of the projects and the implications of various financing options. The white paper will be presented at the commission’s next meeting on June 16. (more)

Central Valley Flood Protection Board’s Newly Appointed Board Member: Mary Jane Griego

The Central Valley Flood Protection Board is happy to announce its newest Board member, Mary Jane Griego, was appointed by Governor Newsom on July 7, 2020. Griego has been senior district representative in the Office of Congressman John Garamendi and a member of the Board of Directors of the Olivehurst Public Utility District since 2017. She has been owner of Duke’s Diner since 2012. Griego was a member of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors from 2001 to 2017. Welcome, Mary Jane!


4/24/2020 CVFPB Board Meeting

Agenda items include an informational briefings on the Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Fish Passage (Big Notch) Project, Feather River Levee Setback Area Mitigation Bank, Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District Assessment District Feasibility Study, the Board’s response to Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP) occurring within the Board’s jurisdiction, and San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA) Projects Update. (agenda link).

SSJDD Feasibility Study – Request for Proposal released July 18, 2019

  • CVFPB seeks qualified firms to respond to the RFP for the preparation of a Report of Findings evaluating the feasibility of a Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage District to provide funding for system-wide improvements and the operation and maintenance of associated flood control structures and levees within the State Plan of Flood Control.
  • The RFP can be downloaded here

Delta Flood Emergency Response Grant Program Offers $9.9 Million in Direct Funding

From the California Department of Water Resources The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is pleased to announce that $4.9 million of Proposition 1E and $5 million of Proposition 1 funding is available in Fiscal Year 2019-20 for Directed Funding action under the Delta Flood Emergency Response Grant Program, Round 2 Guidelines. The Delta Flood Emergency Response Grant Program supports the activities of local agencies who are working with DWR and its partners to improve flood emergency preparedness and response within their jurisdictions. (more)

Local Repairs for Federal Flood Control Projects

The Central Valley Flood Protection Board (Board) is accepting requests from local agencies under Public Law 84-99 (PL 84-99) to provide assistance for repairs to federal flood control project features damaged by the recent flood events (February 13, 2019 to February 15, 2019 and February 24, 2019 to March 1, 2019). The repair assistance applies to Butte, Tehama, Shasta, Colusa, Glenn, and Napa Counties, however if your system is located outside of these counties and experienced damages during this time, you are encouraged to apply.


USACE confirmed that local maintaining agencies (LMAs) currently eligible for PL 84-99 can apply for PL 84-99 assistance resulting from the 2019 storms. LMAs must show how their levee systems experienced unusual or significant flooding and provide adequate justification to show that the damages were sustained during the event timelines listed in USACE’s notice. In addition, if LMAs are still experiencing high water and are unable to fully assess the damaged sites, a formal request for an extension can be submitted. Requests for extension to the 30-day notice period must be submitted to the Board by June 21, 2019.  See Notice to Public Sponsors dated May 23, 2019 for additional details (CLICK HERE).  


If you have any questions, please contact Angeles Caliso, Board staff at (916) 574-2384 or via email at 


Environment Report: Why a Dry Year Is Not Such a Bad Thing

From Voice of San Diego: The news, as it often does, has been bouncing back and forth from extreme to extreme — historic drought, historic snowfall, historic fires, fatal floods and mudslides. That’s the nature of California’s climate. A common saying among water officials is that there’s no average year in California. Of course, when they add up rainfall and snowfall records, there is an average. But that average obscures savage fluctuations between bone-dry years and years of floods and landslides. (more)