The Coordinating Committee, facilitated by The Central Valley Flood Protection Board and the Department of Water Resources, was created in 2012, soon after the adoption of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP). The committee typically meets monthly and provides an informal discussion forum that is open to stakeholders interested in regional flood management and system-wide feasibility studies. The committee is not a decision-making body. Rather, it promotes the exchange of ideas and information and facilitates communication between federal, state, and local agencies. More about the committee can be found at:
Most discussions and presentations deal with moving toward implementation of the CVFPP, such as basin-wide and feasibility studies, regional flood management and water storage issues, funding and operation and maintenance issues, and how to incorporate habitat restoration and recreational opportunities to create multi-benefit projects. The most recent meeting, January 25th, featured two presentations. The PowerPoints of those presentations can be accessed at:
Environmental Permitting for Operation and Maintenance (EPOM)
California, Flood Risk, and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)