From USACE Sacramento District – Schaefer Dam (formerly Success Dam) is located on the Tule River, about five miles east and upstream of the town of Porterville, Tulare County, California. Schafer is an earthen dam 145 feet (1,060 meters) long. The dam and reservoir were authorized as part of the Tule River Project under the Flood Control Act of 1944 and construction was completed in 1961. The reservoir provides flood risk management, water storage and recreation benefits to the local area. In 1999, Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study how to address seismic risk to the dam. The study revealed additional concerns about seepage and overtopping, requiring further study and funding authorizations. In late 2006, the Corps began limiting the amount of water stored in Success Lake to minimize flood risk to the public while the Corps studied the dam and developed a solution. (more)

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