The California Department of Water Resources’ Flood Planning Office has released a revised draft of the San Joaquin River Basin-wide Feasibility Study (BWFS) (PDF: 40 MB).
The San Joaquin River BWFS primarily refines the large-scale actions consistent with the State Systemwide Investment Approach identified in the 2012 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan for the San Joaquin River basin. This draft addresses stakeholder review comments submitted during the review period that ended in November 2016. The San Joaquin River BWFS was developed to support the Draft 2017 CVFPP Update. The draft report and corresponding comment log can be accessed on DWR’s CVFMP website. If you have any questions about the report or would like access to the appendices, which are available upon request, please contact Sami Nall at
Note: The report file is very large and may not open in Internet Explorer. If this happens, download the PDF before opening the file.
Basin-Wide Feasibility Studies website: