From –The Delta Plan’s chapter 4 was developed based on the expectation that the Bay Delta Conservation Plan would be completed and subsequently incorporated into the Delta Plan. However, completing the Bay Delta Conservation Plan as a habitat conservation plan proved to be too difficult, so in March of 2015, state and federal agencies pivoted to the California Water Fix, which sought a more traditional approach of compliance with endangered species act regulations that focused mitigation projects as required by the biological opinions for the Central Valley Project and State Water Project. At that time, the state established the Eco Restore program to bolster restoration efforts in the Delta.
- Project: Preparation of environmental documents for the draft Amendments to Delta Plan, Chapter 4: Protect, Restore, Enhance, the Delta Ecosystem
- Documents:
- Notice of Preparation, available here.
- Draft Chapter 4, regulatory appendices, technical appendices, and performance measures available here.
- The draft Chapter 4 policies and recommendations excerpted from the chapter are available here.
- Comments due: By 5 p.m. on July 10. Email to:
- Online public meeting: May 28 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm, register here. (more)