As a member of the Yolo Bypass Cache Slough (YBCS) Partnership, the Central Valley Flood Protection Board is pleased to invite you to attend Scoping Meetings for the YBCS Master Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR).
The Central Valley Flood Protection Board is holding public meetings to receive comments on the scope and content of the Master Plan PEIR. See below for more information.
ONLINE MEETING: August 31, 2022: 10:00 am
Join via Webex:
Or join via phone at: 1-844-517-1271 (access code: 1328038250).
IN-PERSON MEETING: August 31, 2022: 6:00 pm
West Sacramento Community Center
1075 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95691
These meetings will help to inform responsible and trustee agencies, landowners, Native American Tribes, other interested parties, and state, federal, and local agencies about the YBCS Master Plan PEIR. We are seeking input on additional topics or impacts that should be analyzed in the PEIR, and alternatives that might reduce environmental impacts.
If you have questions, please contact: Megan Giglini via email at:
Please visit our website: