This marks an important milestone in the development and ongoing implementation of flood control planning in the Central Valley. The draft Supplemental PEIR was released for more than a 90-day public review period on December 30th 2016, during this time the Board and DWR hosted 5 public hearings throughout the Central Valley to present the Supplemental PEIR and receive public comments. DWR received approximately 80 comments on the Supplemental PEIR. After reviewing and considering the comments received, DWR approved and certified the Final Supplemental PEIR on August 4th 2017. DWR staff has worked diligently with stakeholders, resource agencies, Tribal governments and members of the public to produce an updated environmental document that analyzes the potential impacts resulting from the system-wide approach to improve integrated flood management in lands protected by the State Plan of Flood Control. The Board commends DWR staff for their hard work and continuing collaboration with our partners who are committed to reducing flood risk while promoting societal values like ecosystem uplift, recreational opportunities and agricultural sustainability in the Central Valley.
The Final Supplemental PEIR and associated documents can be viewed here: