2022 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Update
DWR staff will provide an overview of flood risk analyses associated with the CVFPP and proposed update of the flood risk analyses for the 2022 CVFPP Update. (Mary Jimenez, Acting Chief, Systemwide Multi-Benefit Initiatives Branch, Department of Water Resources; Steve Cowdin, Department of Water Resources)
Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program
DWR staff will provide an update on the Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program. DWR will be providing approximately $28M of Prop 1E funds to protect over 7,000 residents living in three different small communities influenced by State Plan of Flood Control facilities. This program was initiated by the 2012 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan. In addition to helping to protect these residents from future flooding. (Michael Mierzwa, State Floodplain Manager, Division of Flood Management, Department of Water Resources) (see Agenda for the Board Meeting)