Without $175M levee upgrade thousands in Manteca, Lathrop would need flood insurance
From Manteca/Ripon Bulletin –Failure of levees during a 200-year event would send three feet or more of water to cover almost all of Lathrop, flood neighborhoods in Manteca southwest of the Airport Way and 120 Bypass interchange as well as inundate the first floor of the 500-room Great Wolf Lodge and indoor water park. Areas in the City of Manteca where almost 4,000 homes have been approved west of McKinley Avenue along with the existing Oakwood Shores development could be covered with more than 10 feet of water. The same applies for the new Wayfair distribution center in Lathrop along the 120 Bypass. Protecting against a 200-year flood — which references the magnitude and not the frequency of flooding — is a state mandate that must be in the process of physically be constructed by 2025 or else all development will stop in the identified areas. (more)