The Central Valley Flood Protection Board

The Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB), originally chartered in 1911 as the Reclamation Board, serves as the liaison between the State of California, its residents, property owners, Central Valley agencies, and the United States government, with the mission “to reduce the risk of catastrophic flooding to people and property within the California central valley” while also considering environmental and habitat concerns.

Organization of the Board

Board Members

The Central Valley Flood Protection Board consists of 7 members. They are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the California Senate to staggered four-year terms, and bring expertise in the areas of flood control, engineering, water law, hydrology, and environmental stewardship. In addition, there are two nonvoting ex officio members, one from each the Senate and Assembly, appointed for Legislative oversight.

Board Staff

The work of the Board is supported by a diverse professional staff of scientists, engineers, lawyers, and administrators.

Partners for Flood Risk Reduction

The Board is part of a coordinated approach to preventing flood risk:

  • The United States Army Corps of Engineers
  • The Central Valley Flood Protection Board
  • Local Maintaining Agencies

Responsibilities and Work of the Central Valley Flood Protection Board

Reducing flood risk and protecting public safety inform CVFPB’s efforts. Our role is to:

  • Manage 1,600 miles of levees, weirs, and channels, and maintain thousands of flood easements and parcels of CVFPB property throughout the Sacramento and San Joaquin River systems.
  • Manage encroachments on the State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) through comprehensive permitting enforcement and inspection program.
  • Oversee levee safety to ensure minor problems are addressed before they became emergencies.
  • Adopt and implement the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) and related documents including the Conversation Strategy.
  • Issue permits prior to the commencement of work for all encroachments that could be injurious to, or interfere with, the successful execution, functioning, or operation of the SPFC.

Engaging the Public

CVFPB holds monthly public meetings to provide an open forum for information and discussion on flood management, permitting and CVFPB sponsored projects.

Annual Reports