From the Water Foundation – In May and again in June, the Water Foundation and our longtime grantee River Partners, brought together a number of partners–including friends and colleagues from American Rivers, Sustainable Conservation, and the California Indian Basketweavers Association to visit the Dos Rios Ranch Preserve, to learn about the 2,100-acre river and floodplain restoration site and how more such projects can be supported. The Dos Rios Ranch Preserve is a public-private floodplain restoration project that was developed to improve habitat for fish and wildlife while also boosting the resiliency of communities in California’s Central Valley by mitigating flood risk, recharging groundwater for use in dry times, capturing carbon naturally, ensuring access to cultural gathering sites for California tribes, and increasing recreational opportunities for California communities. The Preserve has been inundated with floodwater from an incredibly wet winter and a record snow pack that continues to melt, demonstrating its value to communities and ecosystems nearby and downstream and exemplifying the wisdom of advance planning and investment in multi-benefit water resources management. (more)